In the Anaerobic Digestion process the putrescible waste is converted, in total absence of oxygen, into biogas which is mainly made up of methane and CO2 and is eligible as renewable energy. AD really produces Green Energy and it is ultimately an industrial plant in itself.
Among the alternatives proposed by Entsorga for the anaerobic treatment of organic waste, the Cow semi-dry system is presently one of the most innovative and promising methods on the market. This AD process has considerable advantages:
- incredibly high yield in biogas production
- no need of water cleaning plant
- recycling of plastic scraps as high quality solid recovered fuel
- minimal amount of scraps to be landfilled (<5%)
- maximum environmental compatibility: no smells or dust are released into the environment. The anaerobic digestion takes place inside closed digesters, with no external emissions.
- reduced running and manpower costs: the complete automatization of the plant limits access to waste treatment areas, protecting the health and guaranteeing the safety of the operators.
- high automation industry 4.0 and low consumption: thanks to the automatization of the processes carried out by the automatic control system.
- maximum flexibility: modular and adaptable , the system easily adapts to the most diverse treatment requirements.
- limited footprint
The AD is the natural complement of a composting plant as composting is the best way to recycle the solid part of the digestate.
In truth AD can replace the active phase of composting.
The founding members of the IBA include AB Energy (Italy), Zenviro Tech (USA), Entsorga (Italy), Greenlane Renewables (Canada), and Tietjen (Germany), all internationally recognized technology companies with long track records of success in the biogas industry.
These companies have joined forces on a non-exclusive basis to provide the global biogas industry with a unique, fully integrated organic waste to renewable energy platform solution. This platform solution will lower the inherent risks facing developers, investors and EPC’s in developing biogas plants, lowering project execution risks and improving their bankability.
With its global footprint, reach and supply chain, the IBA has the capability to process virtually any organic waste including livestock, food and green waste, generating both renewable natural gas as well as compost and other organic fertilizers for projects anywhere in the world. Extracting biogas from organic waste means not only producing bio-energy and other fuels from renewable sources, but at the same time drastically reduce CO2 emissions in compliance with the targets set by the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement to fight climate change.

Anaerobic digestion pretreatment in Santhià plant

Anaerobic digestor semi dry

Plug Flow

Gasometer and flear