Entsorga have carefully evaluated the development of MBT in Europe and have combined the best features with its own experience to develop the BEE system with the aim of realising the following objectives:
- high process automation and equipment reliability
- cost minimisation, in particular energy, labour and operating costs
- environmental compatibility and protection
- high productivity
- high flexibility
The BEE ™ systems uses the H.E.BIO.T. ™ process (High Efficiency Biological System), an highly efficient and highly automated biological treatment system that leverages on 20 years of successful industrial operations and a continuous effort in research and development.
The main process steps include: waste acceptance and unloading, primary mechanical treatment, biological treatment, mechanical treatment – refinement, process control system, SRF compaction, storage and transportation, output destination.
Flexible and reliable, the Bee System is suitable for all needs of aerobic biological waste treatment:
• COMPOSTING the organic fraction of waste and sludge
• BIOSTABILIZATION of waste before sending it to landfill
• BIODRYING of waste and biomass to produce SRF (Solid Recoverd Fuel)